At the end of each year, I create a small book. It’s a good exercise in seeing where I have been and where I might go in the new year.
At the end of each year, I create a small book. It’s a good exercise in seeing where I have been and where I might go in the new year.
Have you seen them… all those fledglings heading out into the world? I had a fuzzy little Finch greet me on the porch this a.m. It soared down from its nest on a first flight to take a sip of the water that had spilled on the decking after my watering of the flowers. It came very close, trusting and was all about thirst. It seemed unfazed by my presence though I’ll admit I was holding very still and felt as though I had been given a gift.
Sending meditations out into the world. It’s all about energy. Pictured here is a custom necklace for the heart chakra, made with Green Onyx, Fluorite and Chalcedony. The heart chakra energy works as a bridge between our bodies and our minds creating a balance between physical and spiritual.
More Chakra necklaces are getting ready to fledge here at WFLLT. They are meditations and a labor of love.
New gemstone combinations in the works are:
Crown: Amethyst and Labradorite
Brow: Iolite and Lapis Lazuli
Throat: Aquamarine and Labradorite
Heart: Green Onyx and Apatite
Solar Plexus: Yellow Jade and Moonstone
Sacral: Sunstone and Fire Opal
Root: Garnet and Pink Quartz
You can read about the chakra necklaces or see what’s currently available in the shop. There are more coming so let me know if you want to be kept in the loop.

Each necklace in this group of seven beauties has a different Thai amulet that enhances the colorway of the chakra. The necklaces are approximately 15” in length and can be shortened because of their unique leather and button closure and are super comfortable to wear.
The gemstones beads by chakra are:
Root: Garnet and Ruby Jade
Sacral: Sunstone and Peach Aventurine
Solar Plexus: Yellow Jade and Yellow Quartz
Heart: Green Onyx and Chalcedony
Throat: Blue Lace Agate and Blue Quartz
Brow: Iolite and Blue Jade
Crown: Amethyst and Labradorite
See the shop for availability and to learn more about a specific chakra’s energies.
I cannot cause light; the most I can do is try to put myself in the path of its beam. It is possible, in deep space, to sail on solar wind. Light, be it particle or wave, has force: you rig a giant sail and go. The secret of seeing is to sail on solar wind. Hone and spread your spirit till you yourself are a sail, whetted, translucent, broadside to the merest puff.
—Annie Dillard, Pilgrim at Tinker Creek
My Jasmine plant is blooming today just in time for photographing the new chakra necklaces that will be in the wfllt shop soon. Jasmine flower is said to link sacral energies to the heart and crown chakras. A bloomin’ good sign. :)
The Sacral Chakra is the seat of your creative energy and equips you to ‘to go with the flow’. In Sanskrit it’s called the Swadhisthana Chakra which loosely translates as ‘the sacred home of the self’ or “the goddess’ favorite standing place’. When in sync you are flowing, flexible and adaptive.
This Sacral Chakra necklace is hand-crocheted with Sunstone and Peach Aventurine gemstone beads. Sunstone brings vitality, abundance and longevity while Aventurine adds creativity, motivation and leadership. Now that’s some sparkle!
You can read about my Chakra necklace series on my GLITR page. If you want to know when new necklaces are in the shop you can sign up for Flow Updates at the bottom of my About page.
Shine on.