what flow looks like today


hand-crafted meditations

Charkra Necklace Series


With the belief that rituals create a doorway to engagement and being present in the world, I have been creating necklaces that coordinate with each of the seven chakras.

For me the necklaces serve as part of a ritual of intention, a meditation on the energy of our being. They are made with crocheted silk, gemstone beads, leather, Mother-of-Pearl button closures and Thai Buddha amulets.


I envision chakras as energy points on a conduit. When energy isn't flowing and connecting along this conduit, it can grow stagnant. With intention we can take notice of what energy is not in flow and nurture it back into alignment. When in alignment, the chakras create a line of communication, a synchronicity, that runs through us connecting all our subtle energy so that we can live powerfully grounded and in equilibrium.

The gemstone beads are selected to coordinate/represent a particular chakra. What energy needs your attention?

  • Root— red, for grounding to the earth

  • Sacral— orange, for creativity and flow

  • Solar Plexus— yellow, for power and transformation

  • Heart— green, for compassion and love

  • Throat— blue, for expression and communication

  • Brow— indigo, for intuition and wisdom

  • Crown— violet, for spirituality and connection to the universe




In Thailand I fell in love with the culture and the wonderful mix of Buddhist and animistic beliefs. In the countryside, almost every village has a temple. As a custom, amulets have been and still are given to people who support the temples. With thousands of temples, there are many more thousands of amulets, so while not rare or precious, to me they are the embodiment of a belief in rituals. Rituals create a doorway to engagement and being present in the world.  I'm in.


GLITR and WFLLT © Noel Danforth, 2018